On this day, 25 January 1975: Whizzer and Chips
Sid’s Snake: Mike Lacey (artist)
On this day, 25 January 1975 … it was a red-letter day for the Whizz-kids as they sent a raider through the staples to infiltrate a Chip-ite story. These raids between the warring factions of Whizzer and Chips were common, although it was more usual for the invading agent to appear, grinning, in the background of his or her rival’s story than in this instance where he becomes the very subject of the week’s episode. Have you seen who it is yet?
Elsewhere in this issue, Greg was on a Sweet Tooth safari, Tiny Tycoon brought the prices down, Shiner couldn’t keep a lid on it, Fuss Pot stamped her foot down and Timothy Tester encountered some extra-testerrials.
Champ: Colin Whittock (artist)
Sweet Tooth: Trevor Metcalfe (artist)
Tiny Tycoon: Tom Williams (artist)
Boney: Paul White (artist)
Shiner: Mike Lacey (artist)
Harry’s Haunted House: Les Barton (artist)
Pete’s Pockets: Mike Lacey (artist)
Pete’s Pockets: Mike Lacey (artist)
The Toffs and the Toughs: Reg Parlett (artist)
The Slimms: Terry Bave (artist)
Police Dog and Cat Burglar: Terry Bave (artist)
Fuss Pot: Clive Stewart (artist)
Timothy Tester: Cliff Brown (artist)
Danny Drew’s Dialling Man: Ron Turner (artist)
Danny Drew’s Dialling Man: Ron Turner (artist). The two pages of this story were printed the wrong way round in this issue.
Beat Your Neighbour: I'm not sure about this artist - please let me know if you can identify them.
Joker: Sid Burgon (artist)