On this day, 31 January 1976: Monster Fun
Cover artwork: The Little Monsters: Jim Crocker
On this day, 31 January 1976 … The Little Monsters were vexating on ice late in the month (although there wasn’t much snow around this winter, according to records) on another great Sid Burgon cover. Monster Fun was a fantastic comic packed with larger-than-life characters realised by a top line-up of artists. The centrepiece of the comic was always the pull-out Badtime Bedtime Storybook, usually drawn by Leo Baxendale, but the rest of the publication more than held its own with classics such as Kid Kong, Martha’s Monster Make-up, Sam’s Spook, X-Ray Specs and Creature Teacher (not to mention the soon-to-arrive toothless horror that was Gums) just as readable today as they were 40 years ago.
I’m also a big fan of the Master Ugly Mug – Miss Funny Face reader gurns, and am always looking out for a name I might recognise from the Great News For All Readers! readership. Calling Marie Davies, Niall Brennan, Leslie Downs, Heather Sefton … are you out there?
Kid Kong: Robert Nixon (artist)
Martha’s Monster Make-up: Ken Reid (artist)
Sam’s Spook: Leo Baxendale (artist)
X-Ray Specs: Mike Lacey (artist)
Creature Teacher: Tom Williams (artist)
Badtime Bedtime Storybook: Gong of Kong: Mike Brown? (see comments below)
Badtime Bedtime Storybook: Gong of Kong: Mike Brown? (see comments below)
Mummy’s Boy: Norman Mansbridge (artist)
Draculass: Terry Bave (artist)
Major Jump Horror Hunter: Ian Knox (artist)