World Cup of Baddies: Round 1, Group 11
Dare to gaze upon the most notorious villains, creeps, bullies, monsters, ghosts and ghouls to darken the pages of IPC’s comics of the 1970s and 1980s. On my Twitter pages I’m running a World Cup series of polls to determine who is the nastiest of them all, so pop over there to vote – and I’ll post a picture of each of them here on the blog to remind you of who’s who.
There are 64 baddies in total, divided at random into 16 groups of 4. The winner of each group progresses into Round 2, and I hope we’ll discover the Baddest of Bads sometime in the New Year!
Group 11 features:
Draculass, green-skinned schoolgirl from Monster Fun with a taste for a quick bite of suburban townsfolk;
Old One Eye, the original great T-Rex from 2000AD’s Flesh, she fought back against the future’s farming of prehistoric meat reserves;
Artie Gruber, angry cyborg with a score to settle against Aeroball’s finest, the Harlem Heroes, in 2000AD;
Gums, danger lurks in the depths, and he’s lost his dentures! From Monster Fun, then a regular in Buster.
Who's the most despicable? Go to @GNFARcomics on Twitter and you decide! #WorldCupOfBaddies
Draculass, drawn by Terry Bave
Old One Eye, drawn by Ramon Sola
Artie Gruber, drawn by Dave Gibbons
Gums, drawn by Alf Saporito