World Cup of Baddies: Round 1, Group 2
Dare to gaze upon the most notorious villains, creeps, bullies, monsters, ghosts and ghouls to darken the pages of IPC’s comics of the 1970s and 1980s. On my Twitter pages I’m running a World Cup series of polls to determine who is the nastiest of them all, so pop over there to vote – and I’ll post a picture of each of them here on the blog to remind you of who’s who.
There are 64 baddies in total, divided at random into 16 groups of 4. The winner of each group progresses into Round 2, and I hope we’ll discover the Baddest of Bads sometime in the New Year!
Group 2 features:
Grimly Feendish, the self-styled Rottenest Crook in the World, and surely an inspiration for Gru from Despicable Me, from Shiver and Shake;
The Lord Weird Slough Feg, the original Horned God, deposed by Celtic warrior hero Slaine in 2000AD, and ghastly inspiration for heavy metal band Slough Feg;
Rotten Egghead, shell-skulled Dick Dastardly-a-like who cheated his way over many a finishing line in the pages of Whizzer and Chips;
Bessie Bunter, sister of Billy, and raider of tuck boxes a plenty at Cliff House Boarding School. Created by Charles Hamilton for School Friend in 1919, she is probably the oldest of candidates in the World Cup of Baddies, but qualifies by virtue of her ongoing runs in June and School Friend then Tammy in the 1970s.
Who's the most despicable? Go to @GNFARcomics on Twitter and you decide! #WorldCupOfBaddies
Grimly Feendish, drawn by Leo Baxendale
The Lord Wierd Slough Feg, drawn by Simon Bisley
Rotten Egghead, drawn by Alan Rogers
Bessie Bunter, drawn by Arthur Martin