On this day, 4 February 1978: Misty
Cover artwork: Maria Barrera Gesali
On this day, 4 February 1978 … Happy 39th birthday to Misty! I did feature her first issue on the blog this time last year, but the scans were a bit meh (I think I had to use the scanner at my place of work) so I thought she’d appreciate a make-over.
This really is wonderful stuff: the mysterious The Cult of the Cat and Moodstone, the thrilling The Sentinels and Paint it Black, and the genuinely terrifying Roots, Red Knee White Terror, and of course Moonchild. Read it and shudder!
Oh, and watch out for a new Story File featuring one of Misty's most ghastly tales - the post goes live at 7pm for Saturday evening terrors.
Misty introduction: Shirley Bellwood (artist)
The Cult of the Cat: Jaime Rumeu (artist)
The Cult of the Cat: Jaime Rumeu (artist)
The Cult of the Cat: Jaime Rumeu (artist)
The Sentinels: Malcolm Shaw (writer), Mario Capaldi (artist)
The Sentinels: Malcolm Shaw (writer), Mario Capaldi (artist)
Paint it Black: Alan Davidson (writer), Brian Delaney (artist)
Paint it Black: Alan Davidson (writer), Brian Delaney (artist)
Paint it Black: Alan Davidson (writer), Brian Delaney (artist)
Moodstone: Ken Houghton (artist)
Moodstone: Ken Houghton (artist)
Nightmare: Roots: Pat Mills (writer), Maria Barrera Gesali (artist)
Nightmare: Roots: Pat Mills (writer), Maria Barrera Gesali (artist)
Moonchild: Pat Mills (writer), John Armstrong (artist)
Moonchild: Pat Mills (writer), John Armstrong (artist)
Moonchild: Pat Mills (writer), John Armstrong (artist)
Miss T: Joe Collins (artist)
Beasts: Red Knee White Terror: John Richardson (artist)
Beasts: Red Knee White Terror: John Richardson (artist)
Moodstone: Ken Houghton (artist)