On this day, 2 September 1978: Jinty
Cover artwork: Phil Gascoine (No Cheers for Cherry), Ron Smith (7 Steps to the Sisterhood)
There’s a new story to start the autumn term in this week’s Jinty. No Cheers for Cherry tells the tale of Cherry Campbell, a schoolgirl with ambitions of stardom but living in a remote highland village. When estranged Aunt Margot comes to visit, Cherry is promised a chance to follow her dreams, but one suspects all is not as it seems …
Elsewhere in this issue, Dance into Darkness follows the travails of Rozelle, a girl cursed with the ‘gift’ of uncontrollable dancing feet and an extreme sensitivity to light. She plots to pass the curse on to an unsuspecting admirer. The Human Zoo, drawn by Guy Peeters, is a science-fiction adventure in which two schoolgirls join a group of humans kept as exhibits in an alien zoo. And 7 Steps to the Sisterhood, drawn by Ron Smith, has a girl called Shelley challenged to complete seven tasks to earn membership of a secret society at Lansdale Language Laboratory. Her third challenge is to bareback ride the horse of the lab’s boss.
Dance into Darkness: creators unknown
Dance into Darkness: creators unknown
No Cheers for Cherry: Phil Gascoine (artist)
No Cheers for Cherry: Phil Gascoine (artist)
No Cheers for Cherry: Phil Gascoine (artist)
The Human Zoo: Guy Peeters (artist)
The Human Zoo: Guy Peeters (artist)
7 Steps to the Sisterhood: Ron Smith (artist)
7 Steps to the Sisterhood: Ron Smith (artist)