Cover date 3 April 1982: Tiger
Cover artist: Julio Schiaffino
‘Hot-shot’ Hamish Balfour scored 12 (twelve) goals in one game for Princes Park in the Scottish league. To remove him from media attention he was sent to a remote island, but he was recognised by islanders who sent their dogs to track him down.
Hamish’s crazy adventures, and those of his Daddie, pet goat McMutton and manager Mr McWhacker, were written by Fred Baker and drawn by the wonderful Julio Schiaffino. They kicked off in Scorcher and Score in 1973 before transferring to Tiger where they ran until 1985.
Hot-shot Hamish: Fred Baker (writer), Julio Schiaffino (artist)
Hot-shot Hamish: Fred Baker (writer), Julio Schiaffino (artist)
Hamish joined forces with Mighty Mouse in Roy of the Rovers from ‘85 to ‘90. Recently the little and large pair have been reimagined as Melchester Rovers legends in Rebellion’s fantastic ROTR graphic novels (written by Rob Williams and drawn here by Ben Willsher).
Roy of the Rovers: Going Up (Rebellion, 2019): Rob Williams (writer), Ben Willsher (artist)
Tiger, edited by force of nature Barrie Tomlinson, had a terrific stable of long-running stories in the 1970s and 1980s. This issue included Topps on Two Wheels (art Mike Western), Billy’s Boots (script Baker, art John Gillatt), Johnny Cougar (script Tomlinson, art Sandy James) and Nipper (script Tom Tully, art Charles Roylance).
Topps on Two Wheels: Mike Western (artist)
Billy’s Boots: Fred Baker (writer), John Gillatt (artist)
Johnny Cougar: Barrie Tomlinson (writer), Sandy James (artist)
Nipper: Tom Tully (writer), Charles Roylance (artist)